As part of research we made a presentation about 'Lock, Stock and two Smoking Barrels' A film about four London working class stiffs who pool their money to put one on a high stakes card game, but things go wrong and they end up owing half a million pounds and having one week to come up with the cash. We felt that the genre of this film was something we could mirror into our opening sequence, the idea of having a plot centered around money would add te the generic conventons of a ganster film. However we thought we ould expand more into this idea and perhaps have hosage stuation going on. Other apects of the film such as the characters, soundtrack and plot were also things we hoped to imitate. The soundtrack reflects a humouress vibe to te film and avoids the typical stereo type of using rap music, as a group we thought this would look more professional and run smoothly with the opening.

The title 'Lock, stock and Two Smoking Barrels' at the end, is a good effect as the audiences are left wondering when the title will appear. The font of the title is lso placed as an old dodgy type writer style, such as how the film will be based on the font, so the audience will figure out the genre without even watching the film.
Narration - the opening of Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, starts of with a man named bacon at a stall shouting snappy rhymes as you would see in a market, however the good thing about this opening is that they start the film with dialogue straight away, so the audience are attracted to the film straight away. While bacon who is in the stall is selling of these dodgy items, there is another character who is shown during the opening named ed, such as when the man at the stall says “ one price ten pounds” while the other replies” did you say ten pounds” and to make this realistic bacon at the stalls asks him if he is deaf, then Ed says that’s a bargain, you then see how the other customers are attracted to the item aswell because they think it is a bargain.
This effect is really clever as Both bacon and Ed are working as a team but making a fool out of the public, the other reason why its so effective is that it makes the audience feel as if they are part of their plan, such as only the two characters and the audience know what’s going on.